Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kohlrabi Vegetables

Kohlrabi, otherwise called knol-khol or German Turnip, is a hefty, 

roccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, and brussels grows. This stem vegetable is local to Europe. Exploratory name: Brassica oleracea (Gongylodes Group).

Knol is a lasting, cool season vegetable. It is developed everywhere throughout the calm atmospheres for its succulent round molded changed stem also for its turnip-enhanced top greens.

The plant obliges very much depleted rich soil and normal daylight to prosper. Its eatable stem achieves development and prepared for harvest in 55-60 days in the wake of sowing. Estimated weight is 150 g. Being a changed stem-vegetable, kohlrabi is less inclined for breaking and has a decent standing capacity for up to 30 days even after development.

Kohlrabis have comparable taste and surface as that of a broccoli stem or cabbage, however milder and sweeter. The more youthful stems have firm, wonderful taste, and rich flavor.

Two primary mixed bags of knol-knol exist, white and purple. On the other hand, inside, both the "white" (very green shading) and also purple sorts have comparable cream-yellow shading palatable substance. A percentage of the well known cultivars developed worldwide are: white Vienna, white Danube, purple vienna, and fantastic duke.

Medical advantages of Kohlrabi (Knol-khol)

Gently sweet, fresh textured kohlrabi is outstandingly rich in vitamins and dietary fiber; on the other hand, it has just 27 calories for every 100 g, a unimportant measure of fat, and zero cholesterol.

Crisp kohlrabi stem is rich wellspring of vitamin-C; gives 62 mg for every 100 g weight that speaks the truth 102% of RDA. Vitamin C (ascorbic corrosive) is a water-solvent vitamin, and intense hostile to oxidant. It helps the human body keep up solid connective tissue, teeth, and gum. Its hostile to oxidant property helps the human body shield from illnesses and diseases by rummaging hurtful free radicals from the body.

Kohlrabi, as different individuals from the Brassica family, contains wellbeing advancing phytochemicals, for example, isothiocyanates, sulforaphane, and indole-3-carbinol that should secure against prostate and colon tumors.

It particularly contains great measures of numerous B-complex gatherings of vitamins, for example, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, pantothenic corrosive, and so forth., that goes about as co-components to proteins amid different digestion system inside the body.

Knol-knol quite has great levels of minerals; copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, and phosphorus are particularly accessible in the stem. Potassium is an essential segment of cell and body liquids that helps countering so as to control heart rate and circulatory strain impacts of sodium. Manganese is utilized by the body as a co-variable for the cancer prevention agent compound, superoxide dismutase.

Moreover, its velvety shading tissue contains little measures of vitamin An, and carotenes.

Kohlrabi leaves or tops, similar to turnip greens, are likewise extremely nutritious greens rich in carotenes, vitamin-A, vitamin K, minerals, and B-complex gathering of vitamins.

This appealing stem vegetable is accessible taking care of business amid winter months from November until March. Overmaturity and also introduction of harvest to unnecessary daylight makes its stem woody and intense bringing about its poor eating quality. Crisp kohlrabies ought to have crunchy surface and bestow rich flavor.

In the stores, purchase medium-sized, new tubers that vibe substantial close by for their size. Stay away from those with breaks, cuts, ruined or mold plagued. Try not to purchase on the off chance that they have lighter weight for their size and unreasonably woody in consistency as it shows indications of over-development and thusly, unappetizing.

Knol-knols display great keeping qualities and can be set at room temperature for 3-5 days. On the other hand, If you wish to store for couple of more days, then keep them in the fridge set at temperature beneath 35 degree F and high dampness level to look after imperativeness.

Readiness and serving systems

Kohlrabi stems ought to be washed altogether in clean running water and wash in saline water for around 10-15 minutes keeping in mind the end goal to uproot any surface soil, earth and any bug spray/fungicide deposits.

Just before cooking, uproot any leaves and trim the stem closes. Peel the skin utilizing a paring blade.

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