Sunday, August 23, 2015

Six tips to get the most out of Fantastical 2 for Mac

Fantastical is a date-book application from Flexibits for iOS and OS X. 

Today, that progressions. Flexibits is discharging Fantastical 2 for Mac. The update is outlined particularly for OS X Yosemite from both a tasteful and highlight angle 

Subsequent to introducing the application, you'll see the symbol is still present in the menu bar as it was on the pervious rendition (in case you're new to the application, this was the main strategy for getting to your Fantastical date-book previously). 

With Fantastical 2, on the other hand, there's additionally a dock symbol. On the off chance that you'd rather not have the dock symbol by any means, you can shroud it by looking in Fantastical's Preferences sheet. On the other hand, you can likewise conceal the menu bar symbol on the off chance that you'd favor the dock symbol. You can open the inclinations sheet by tapping on theSettings symbol took after by Preferences. On the other hand you can utilize the console alternate way Command+, (that is Command in addition to the comma key) to open it. 

Under the Appearance tab you'll discover a check box to shroud the dock symbol, the menu bar symbol or both. Changes are executed in a flash - there's no compelling reason to spare. 

One of my most invited elements of Fantastical 2 is the a full-screen schedule window. You can open this more customary date-book view by utilizing the console alternate way of Command+0 (zero) when the smaller than expected window is obvious. 

On the other hand you can select to utilize Fantastical 2 as a standard application, much like Apple's date-book application and swear off the smaller than expected window by and large. This can be accomplished by leaving the dock symbol set up, yet evacuating the menu bar symbol as portrayed in the past step.

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